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Citadele Phone POS

Convert your Android phone into a POS terminal and accept contactless card payments.

Pay only 0,99% + 0,02 EUR per transaction.

Subscription fee 0 EUR per month

Pay only for transaction.

Always along

Accept payments anywhere, anytime.


Card information is not saved in your phone.

Accept payments with your Android phone

Citadele Phone POS is a mobile app that allows you to accept contactless payments by cards or other payment devices on your Android phone or tablet.

  • Apply for Citadele Phone POS and use it paying only 0,99% + 0,02 EUR per transaction. No subscription fee applied!
  • Accepts payments anywhere, anytime, no additional device is required.
  • VISA and Mastercard certified solution that meets all security standards.
  • Review transactions, manage users and devices on the Merchant's portal.
  • Suitable for merchants, craftsmen, beauty specialists, doctors' practices, couriers, restaurants and food delivery services, taxi and public transport drivers and many others.

Install Citadele Phone POS completely remotely

  • Fill in the application form.
  • Download Citadele Phone POS app to your phone or tablet.
  • Within 1-3 business days after signing the agreement you will receive a username and password, and you can start accepting payments.

Interested? Leave your contacts.

In this application we are asking you correctly indicate your personal data which are necessary for us to provide the service you have selected and to contact with you. Information on your personal data processing is available in the  Privacy Protection Rules of JSC “Citadele banka”.

Business portal

A simple business tool to manage transactions and issue e-invoices in one place for free. Using the Business portal, you will be able to:

  • Find out about your customers' shopping habits.
  • Create e-invoices and send them to your customers by email.
  • View and manage your e-invoice payment status.
  • Conveniently view and create financial reports.

Didn’t find the answer to your question?

Visit our interactive assistant and find the information you need

Interactive assistant
Why can't I find your application in the Google Play Store?

It is possible that the characteristics of your device do not meet the requirements for installing the Application. Before searching for the Application, make sure that:

  • the device is running Android OS v. 9.0 and higher
  • the device has an imbedded NFC module
  • the location of your Google ID corresponds to your region.

We have signed the contract with the bank. When will we receive the codes to activate the terminal?

Activation codes for the “tapXphone” Application are sent to the email as soon as you start the activation process on your mobile device. 
The activation code is sent by email (which is mainly specified in the Application for the Payment card Acceptance Contract and the Card Acceptance Device (POS terminal) Rental Contract).

When I try to accept payment, a message appears "Security threat. Overlay the current screen by another application is prohibited. Please close all interfering applications and try again!"

This message occurs due to some applications such as Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Viber, Skype, Twilight, Сleaner Master, Drupe or any application that can be add-on over other applications (i.e. can display something on the screen above all other applications).
Option 1. Just close all applications and then try again. 
Option 2. Uninstall applications such as Clean Master, CCleaner, DU Speed Booster, Go Speed or other applications that are advertised as junk cleaner or mobile device boosters. 
Option 3. Try uninstalling antivirus applications (Eset Nod32 Mobile Security & Antivirus, Kaspersky Internet Security Mobile, etc.).
Option 4. For previously installed applications, you need to disable all permissions that allow to overlay the screen of other applications

  1. Go to "Settings",
  2. select "Apps",
  3. choose icon or,
  4. select Draw Over Other Applications. In different devices (different manufacturers), the name may differ. For example, there may be such options as "Display over other applications" or "Picture in picture". Also, this permission can be found in the "Special Access" section 
  5. disable the screen overlay option for those applications that have it enabled. 
  6. you also need to disable screen overlay permissions for hidden system applications by clicking the "Show system applications" icon, or its equivalent.

Option 5. Go to Settings> Apps> Default Apps> Device assistance app> Analyze on-screen text - disable. In different devices (different manufacturers), the name may differ, but the permission must be disabled for the device assistance app that may analyze text shown on the screen to provide related content)
Option 6. Turn off all functions (including system ones) related to gesture controls (in some devices, these functions are presented in the "Settings"> "Advanced settings" menu (or the section related to screen settings) > "Full-Screen").
Option 7. Check for updates to the Android operating system for your device and update to the most recent version.

When I bring the card to the smartphone, nothing happens, and after a while, the message "The time for the transaction has expired" appears. Why doesn't the payment go through?

  1. Make sure that the card has a contactless payment feature(marked with an icon)
  2. Make sure the NFC model is turned on on the device.
  3. Make sure that the card is touched to the location of the NFC module of your device. For more information, go to the App “tapXphone” User Guide > Payment acceptance. 
  4. Perhaps the case on your device blocks the signal of your NFC antenna, so remove it and repeat the operation
  5. Make sure that the card is not removed from the field of reading of the NFC module too quickly.
  6. Perhaps the antenna of the card itself is damaged (this is not a rare case, so you can check with the client how their card works on other payment terminals)
  7. The NFC module may be damaged. You can try installing a third-party application designed to read NFC tags (for example, like this), and test the operation of your NFC with the help this application. 

Why can't I install the application on another smartphone? I receive a messages like "There are no available terminals for this device". What does it mean?

We can assume that in the application to the Citadele bank you requested only one payment terminal, respectively, your second device cannot activate a payment terminal that does not exist (all are already activated and linked to other devices).
To "move" the payment terminal onto another smartphone, you should unbind the old smartphone from the terminal. This feature is available in the Merchant's portal. For more information, go to the Merchat portal User guide > Payment Terminal unbinding.

Where can I get an application for accepting contactless cards with a smartphone?

You can download the app from the „Google Play“ Store - enter the keywords "Citadele Phone POS" as well as "tapXphone" in the search field. For now, the application is available only for Android OS v.9.0 or later version.

To what type of phones tapXphone application can be installed?

Before you start using the Application, make sure that:

  • your device is running Android OS v. 9.0 or higher
  • the device has an installed NFC module
  • the device has the Google Play Store application installed.

These are the minimum requirements for installing the Application. However, after the Application is installed, the program checks the reliability of your device. If the state of your device does not meet the security criteria, further use of the Application can be restricted.

If I work at two retail outlets for two different merchants, can I install two applications on my smartphone to accept payments in two locations?

The application can only be installed once per device.
After entering your login details, you will be notified that an incorrect username or password has been entered. In this case, you will have to disconnect the device from the respective merchant (payment terminal) each time and assign the existing device to another merchant's payment terminal. More information in Merchat portal User Guide > Payment Terminal unbinding.

Why is the PIN code keypad different from the standard keypad on an ATM or stationary POS terminal?

To enter the PIN code securely, a virtual keypad is used, the buttons of which are arranged in a random order and are of different sizes. The purpose of this decision is to protect the payment card holder that his PIN will not be recognized.

Why does the layout of the keypad numbers and the size of the buttons change each time the customer enters the PIN code?

To enter the PIN code securely, a virtual keypad is used, the buttons of which are arranged in a random order and are of different sizes. The purpose of this decision is to protect the payment card holder that his PIN will not be recognized.

What is the difference between the device initialization and a regular login that I sometimes see on the Application Login screen? Why do I sometimes have to enter the initialization code?

Initialization is a process that provides for downloading the necessary settings to your device, which will allow you to use the “tapXphone” Applications in the future.If your device is suspected not meet the Security Criteria, the application may re-request the initialization process For more information go to the Merchat portal User Guide > Payment Terminal unbinding.

Why can't I see all my transactions, performed over a period of time in the app on my phone?

In the Application, you can only see the operations of the current (not closed) business day performed on a specific device. In the Merchant's portal, you can see all transactions for any period of interest and for any device, print out reports, track and change the status of your cashiers, disconnect mobile device from one payment terminal and assign to  another device.

How do I unbind my old smartphone in the Merchant portal so I could install tapXphone on another smartphone?

This procedure is described in detail here: Merchat portal User guide > Payment Terminal unbinding.

I want to use the application for accepting bank cards with my smartphone in my store. Where should I start?

You should address to Citadele bank and apply for the mobile acquiring service (Citadele Phone POS) activation.

Where is the app for the iOS operating system located?

For now, the application is available only for Android OS v.9.0 or later version.

Why I can't install your application on my smartphone?

It is possible that the characteristics of your device do not meet the requirements for installing the Application. Make sure that:

  • your device is running Android OS v. 10.0 or higher
  • the device has an installed NFC module
  • the location of your Google ID is the same as your region.

When logging in to the “tapXphone”application, it says I must enter the connecting code. Where can I get it?

The connecting and activation codes are sent by the system to the Merchant's email address, which is specified in the Application for the Payment card Acceptance Contract and the Card Acceptance Device (POS terminal) Rental Contract. Check if this Email address is the same as one you are using on your device at the moment.

When I login to the “tapXphone” application, the message "Check the correctness of entered Username or password" pops up. What am I doing wrong?

There may be several possibilities for such a situation to occur:

  1. If you have already activated the payment terminal and replaced the default password for the one of your own, make sure that you enter it.
  2. If there is another cashier who also uses this device, with the same credentials, please check whether he/she has changed the password.
  3. If you forgot the password that you set after activating the application, return the default password in the Merchant's portal. The details are in Merchant portal User Guide > Resetting the Password for the Application.
  4. If your device is already linked to another Merchant (their payment terminal) and is used by them. In this case, you need to disconnect the device from the payment terminal of the "old" Merchant. This feature is available in the Merchant's  portal under the account of the "old" Merchant. For more information go to the Merchat portal User Guide > Payment Terminal unbinding.

Why does the password sent in email not work when logging in to the “tapXphone” application?

The password received in the email is used to log in to the Merchant's web portal, not to log in to the “tapXphone” application.
If this is the first login to the “tapXphone” Application, then the default Password is your Login (case sensitive). What is used as a Login in your situation is determined by Citadele bank.

More questions
Why can't I find your application in the Google Play Store?

It is possible that the characteristics of your device do not meet the requirements for installing the Application. Before searching for the Application, make sure that:

  • the device is running Android OS v. 9.0 and higher
  • the device has an imbedded NFC module
  • the location of your Google ID corresponds to your region.

We have signed the contract with the bank. When will we receive the codes to activate the terminal?

Activation codes for the “tapXphone” Application are sent to the email as soon as you start the activation process on your mobile device. 
The activation code is sent by email (which is mainly specified in the Application for the Payment card Acceptance Contract and the Card Acceptance Device (POS terminal) Rental Contract).

When I try to accept payment, a message appears "Security threat. Overlay the current screen by another application is prohibited. Please close all interfering applications and try again!"

This message occurs due to some applications such as Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Viber, Skype, Twilight, Сleaner Master, Drupe or any application that can be add-on over other applications (i.e. can display something on the screen above all other applications).
Option 1. Just close all applications and then try again. 
Option 2. Uninstall applications such as Clean Master, CCleaner, DU Speed Booster, Go Speed or other applications that are advertised as junk cleaner or mobile device boosters. 
Option 3. Try uninstalling antivirus applications (Eset Nod32 Mobile Security & Antivirus, Kaspersky Internet Security Mobile, etc.).
Option 4. For previously installed applications, you need to disable all permissions that allow to overlay the screen of other applications

  1. Go to "Settings",
  2. select "Apps",
  3. choose icon or,
  4. select Draw Over Other Applications. In different devices (different manufacturers), the name may differ. For example, there may be such options as "Display over other applications" or "Picture in picture". Also, this permission can be found in the "Special Access" section 
  5. disable the screen overlay option for those applications that have it enabled. 
  6. you also need to disable screen overlay permissions for hidden system applications by clicking the "Show system applications" icon, or its equivalent.

Option 5. Go to Settings> Apps> Default Apps> Device assistance app> Analyze on-screen text - disable. In different devices (different manufacturers), the name may differ, but the permission must be disabled for the device assistance app that may analyze text shown on the screen to provide related content)
Option 6. Turn off all functions (including system ones) related to gesture controls (in some devices, these functions are presented in the "Settings"> "Advanced settings" menu (or the section related to screen settings) > "Full-Screen").
Option 7. Check for updates to the Android operating system for your device and update to the most recent version.

When I bring the card to the smartphone, nothing happens, and after a while, the message "The time for the transaction has expired" appears. Why doesn't the payment go through?

  1. Make sure that the card has a contactless payment feature(marked with an icon)
  2. Make sure the NFC model is turned on on the device.
  3. Make sure that the card is touched to the location of the NFC module of your device. For more information, go to the App “tapXphone” User Guide > Payment acceptance. 
  4. Perhaps the case on your device blocks the signal of your NFC antenna, so remove it and repeat the operation
  5. Make sure that the card is not removed from the field of reading of the NFC module too quickly.
  6. Perhaps the antenna of the card itself is damaged (this is not a rare case, so you can check with the client how their card works on other payment terminals)
  7. The NFC module may be damaged. You can try installing a third-party application designed to read NFC tags (for example, like this), and test the operation of your NFC with the help this application. 

Why can't I install the application on another smartphone? I receive a messages like "There are no available terminals for this device". What does it mean?

We can assume that in the application to the Citadele bank you requested only one payment terminal, respectively, your second device cannot activate a payment terminal that does not exist (all are already activated and linked to other devices).
To "move" the payment terminal onto another smartphone, you should unbind the old smartphone from the terminal. This feature is available in the Merchant's portal. For more information, go to the Merchat portal User guide > Payment Terminal unbinding.

Where can I get an application for accepting contactless cards with a smartphone?

You can download the app from the „Google Play“ Store - enter the keywords "Citadele Phone POS" as well as "tapXphone" in the search field. For now, the application is available only for Android OS v.9.0 or later version.

To what type of phones tapXphone application can be installed?

Before you start using the Application, make sure that:

  • your device is running Android OS v. 9.0 or higher
  • the device has an installed NFC module
  • the device has the Google Play Store application installed.

These are the minimum requirements for installing the Application. However, after the Application is installed, the program checks the reliability of your device. If the state of your device does not meet the security criteria, further use of the Application can be restricted.

If I work at two retail outlets for two different merchants, can I install two applications on my smartphone to accept payments in two locations?

The application can only be installed once per device.
After entering your login details, you will be notified that an incorrect username or password has been entered. In this case, you will have to disconnect the device from the respective merchant (payment terminal) each time and assign the existing device to another merchant's payment terminal. More information in Merchat portal User Guide > Payment Terminal unbinding.

Why is the PIN code keypad different from the standard keypad on an ATM or stationary POS terminal?

To enter the PIN code securely, a virtual keypad is used, the buttons of which are arranged in a random order and are of different sizes. The purpose of this decision is to protect the payment card holder that his PIN will not be recognized.

Why does the layout of the keypad numbers and the size of the buttons change each time the customer enters the PIN code?

To enter the PIN code securely, a virtual keypad is used, the buttons of which are arranged in a random order and are of different sizes. The purpose of this decision is to protect the payment card holder that his PIN will not be recognized.

What is the difference between the device initialization and a regular login that I sometimes see on the Application Login screen? Why do I sometimes have to enter the initialization code?

Initialization is a process that provides for downloading the necessary settings to your device, which will allow you to use the “tapXphone” Applications in the future.If your device is suspected not meet the Security Criteria, the application may re-request the initialization process For more information go to the Merchat portal User Guide > Payment Terminal unbinding.

Why can't I see all my transactions, performed over a period of time in the app on my phone?

In the Application, you can only see the operations of the current (not closed) business day performed on a specific device. In the Merchant's portal, you can see all transactions for any period of interest and for any device, print out reports, track and change the status of your cashiers, disconnect mobile device from one payment terminal and assign to  another device.

How do I unbind my old smartphone in the Merchant portal so I could install tapXphone on another smartphone?

This procedure is described in detail here: Merchat portal User guide > Payment Terminal unbinding.

I want to use the application for accepting bank cards with my smartphone in my store. Where should I start?

You should address to Citadele bank and apply for the mobile acquiring service (Citadele Phone POS) activation.

Where is the app for the iOS operating system located?

For now, the application is available only for Android OS v.9.0 or later version.

Why I can't install your application on my smartphone?

It is possible that the characteristics of your device do not meet the requirements for installing the Application. Make sure that:

  • your device is running Android OS v. 10.0 or higher
  • the device has an installed NFC module
  • the location of your Google ID is the same as your region.

When logging in to the “tapXphone”application, it says I must enter the connecting code. Where can I get it?

The connecting and activation codes are sent by the system to the Merchant's email address, which is specified in the Application for the Payment card Acceptance Contract and the Card Acceptance Device (POS terminal) Rental Contract. Check if this Email address is the same as one you are using on your device at the moment.

When I login to the “tapXphone” application, the message "Check the correctness of entered Username or password" pops up. What am I doing wrong?

There may be several possibilities for such a situation to occur:

  1. If you have already activated the payment terminal and replaced the default password for the one of your own, make sure that you enter it.
  2. If there is another cashier who also uses this device, with the same credentials, please check whether he/she has changed the password.
  3. If you forgot the password that you set after activating the application, return the default password in the Merchant's portal. The details are in Merchant portal User Guide > Resetting the Password for the Application.
  4. If your device is already linked to another Merchant (their payment terminal) and is used by them. In this case, you need to disconnect the device from the payment terminal of the "old" Merchant. This feature is available in the Merchant's  portal under the account of the "old" Merchant. For more information go to the Merchat portal User Guide > Payment Terminal unbinding.

Why does the password sent in email not work when logging in to the “tapXphone” application?

The password received in the email is used to log in to the Merchant's web portal, not to log in to the “tapXphone” application.
If this is the first login to the “tapXphone” Application, then the default Password is your Login (case sensitive). What is used as a Login in your situation is determined by Citadele bank.

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One payment for all the most important everyday services for your business.
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Financing of up to 25 000 EUR to develop your business or for various everyday needs. Apply, receive an approval and sign the agreement online.
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C Business card

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