Basic payment account with Mastercard Debit

Effective since 01.01.2025

Basic account with Mastercard Debit

Basic Payment account with Mastercard Debit
Service Fee
Maintenance of the card and / or supplementary card 1 EUR per month1
Opening of an account Free of charge
Crediting of payments received in EUR Free of charge
EUR payment in "Citadele" Online Banking and Mobile App4 15 payments per month free of charge2
Cash withdrawal in “MEDUS” ATMS, Citadele bank ATMs in Latvia, other banks ATMS and Perlas terminals (service provided by UAB “Perlas Finance”) Free of charge up to 800 EUR per month, 2 % (min EUR 2) from amount above
EUR cash deposits through ”MEDUS” ATMs to accounts of payment cards issued by Citadele bank Free of charge
Balance review in “MEDUS” ATMS and Citadele bank (Latvia) ATMs Free of charge
Balance review in other bank ATMs 0.50 EUR
Interest for unauthorised negative balance (per day) 0,05%
Currency exchange mark-up fee 2.75%
Electronic currency exchange In accordance with Citadele bank rate
Connection to „Citadele“ Online Banking and activation of MobileScan Free of charge
Closure of account Free of charge
  • 1 For customers who receive social benefits monthly fee is 0.50 EUR.
  • 2 EUR payments within Citadele bank group, to other bank in Lithuania or other SEPA member state, including e-invoice payments and regular payments.
  • 3 Indicated amount is the total maximum cash withdrawal amount per month in all ATMs in Lithuania and abroad and Perlas terminals together.
  • 4 Payments initiated from other accounts are subject to a commission fee specified in paragraph 6 "Payments".