How can I partially repay the loan of the linked consumer credit Klix ahead of schedule?
If the type of loan you have is one of our Klix 1 / Klix 3 / Klix 6 / Klix 10 or Klix 12, where the loan term is 3 years (36 months) and the period at the beginning of the agreement when no interest is calculated, for example, Klix 6, then you have the opportunity to repay the entire loan within the appropriate (e.g. 6) number of months without paying interest. So, if you want to make a partial repayment of the loan - you need to do this at the end of this period. And if you are going to repay the entire credit in installments during this period - you must:
1) accumulate additional amounts of advance repayment on the credit instalment payment account and when you accumulate a sufficient amount of funds (equal to the balance of the loan and other payables) – the loan will be automatically covered (without any additional request) and you will be informed about the repaid loan by automatic notice; 2) if, however, during the period during which interest is not calculated, you have not accumulated the full amount of the credit balance - fill in the application for early partial repayment (see the paragraph at the bottom "You can submit an application in the following ways") at the end of the loan.
If the type of loan you have is any other (eg. Klix Free 6, when the credit is granted for a term of 6 months without interest) then you must:
1) to accumulate additional amounts of advance repayment in the credit instalment payment account and when you accumulate a sufficient amount of funds (equal to the balance of the loan and other payables) – the loan will be automatically covered (without any additional request) and you will be informed about the repaid loan by automatic notification.
2) if you have nevertheless accumulated part of the funds and you definitely want to return them (for example, you want to pay lower contributions than provided for in the contract schedule for the rest of the period) - fill out an application for an advance partial refund (see below).
You can submit an application in the following ways:
(a) if you have Citadele Internet Bank – in the section "Credits and leasing" - > "Early repayment"; (b) by e-mail. Please indicate your personal and contact details in the application; the number of the contract for which you want to make a partial refund; the amount of early repayment; and you must sign the application itself with an electronic signature. (c) after registering and arriving to fill out an application at a branch of Citadele Bank.