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Manage the finances of your business easily and securely.

Convenient management

See all your business accounts and balances in one place.

Wide range of payment options

Make transfers and pay bills.

List of payments

Prepare lists in your accounting system and upload them to the online bank.

Available actions

  • Make payments and create payment lists by inputting account numbers from countries worldwide.
  • Import payments from your accounting system (we support ISO). Upload as many payments as you wish into one file, and make from 50 to 500 transactions simultaneously, depending on your authorization device.
  • Create account groups and see balances and turnover in a consolidated format.
  • Set authorization categories for online banking determining access rights for each user.
  • Order business payment cards.
Log in

  • Pay online for goods and services from your business account.
  • If you have your own online store, set up our e-commerce tool and give customers the opportunity to pay for goods and services using the online bank or mobile app.

This is a solution for an automated exchange of data between your company’s accounting system and the bank. This service is intended for the exchange of large amounts of financial data 24 hours a day. You don’t need any additional software because Gateway is integrated into your accounting system. Gateway offers various benefits.

  • Freely define Gateway users and set their permissions for working with the company’s finances.
  • Make domestic and international credit transfers straight from the accounts system.
  • Convert currency.
  • Find out the status of your payments.
  • Get free account statements for the time period you select.
  • If necessary, several users can create one payment and confirm it through Citadele Gateway and the online bank.

Digilink is a service for businesses which allows bank customers to authorise and verify their identity.

  • Simple, secure authorisation using the Citadele online bank.
  • Service charge: 30 EUR.

form-fill Diglink technical specifications

form-fill Instructions for creating a Digilink client certificate


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Kaip prisijungti prie naujo interneto banko? Ar mano prisijungimo duomenys keitėsi?

Ar galima suformuoti išrašus už praeitį?

You can create statements in the Internet Bank for any period without being an Internet Bank customer, using the same login name.

Ar yra galimybė išsaugoti išrašą XML formatu?

Turiu įmonę. Ar galiu, kaip ir seniau persijunginėti tarp skirtingų vartotojų?

Kur turėčiau kreiptis, jei turiu klausimų?

More questions
Kaip prisijungti prie naujo interneto banko? Ar mano prisijungimo duomenys keitėsi?

Ar galima suformuoti išrašus už praeitį?

You can create statements in the Internet Bank for any period without being an Internet Bank customer, using the same login name.

Ar yra galimybė išsaugoti išrašą XML formatu?

Turiu įmonę. Ar galiu, kaip ir seniau persijunginėti tarp skirtingų vartotojų?

Kur turėčiau kreiptis, jei turiu klausimų?

More opportunities


Mobile app

Use the bank’s services at a time and place convenient to you. Confirm payments using your face or fingerprint.
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C Business card

A card with travel insurance and purchase protection included.
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Financing of up to 25 000 EUR to develop your business or for various everyday needs. Apply, receive an approval and sign the agreement online.
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Financing for business

Choose the most suitable financing method for your business needs and growth.
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Online card acceptance

E-commerce solutions — we will help to grow your business online.
Learn more
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