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How do I install the Citadele app if I have an Android phone?

To download the Citadele - Latvija, Lietuva, Eesti app, download it from Google Play: open Google Play and search “Citadele - Latvija, Lietuva, Eesti”. 

Most common problems when installing the Citadele app on an Android device: 

Problem: Cannot find the app on Google Play. 

Solution: Check what version of the operating system your device has. The Citadele app is available on Android starting from version 7.0. If a system update is available, update your system to the latest available version. If you have a device with an operating system older than 7.0, you unfortunately will be unable to use the Citadele app - the app contains functions which do not work or work incompletely on older operating systems, why is why we don’t offer it. 

Problem: App won’t download - I press Install, but nothing happens. 

Solution: Follow the recommendations given here

Problem: The app starts downloading, but the process stops and the app is not downloaded.

Solution: Follow the recommendations given here

Problem: The app has no Update button, but I know an update is available. 

Solution: Sometimes, the Update button appears when you open the app in Google Play.

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