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Types of Regular Payments

Regular Payment of a Fixed Amount
If you have regular payments of fixed amounts such as, electricity, leasing, internet, rent or television services, the bank can take care of such payments by making regular payments from your account. The regular payment of a fixed amount is a transfer of a fixed amount to an account specified by your with a desired regularity (daily, weekly or monthly).
The regular payment of a fixed amount may be executed as an internal payment (within Citadele) or as a payment to another bank.

Maintenance of Maximum Account Balance
Maintenance of a maximum account balance ensures control over your account balance. You can specify the maximum account balance that, you would like to maintain, and the account will be reduced to the specific balance amount with prescribed regularity by performing a transfer of funds to another account. Use this service if you would like to distribute your funds to accounts for different purposes.
The regular payment for maintenance of a maximum account balance may be executed as an internal payment (between Citadele accounts).

Maintenance of  Minimum Account Balance
Maintenance of a minimum account balance ensures regular check-up of the account balance and automatic replenishment of the specified account using funds from another Citadele account to maintain the specified account balance. Use this service if it is necessary to ensure availability of a certain amount of money on a specified current account or card account.
The regular payment for maintenance of a minimum account balance may be executed as an internal payment (between Citadele accounts).

Payment of Minimum Deposit
Regular payment of a minimum deposit is available to clients who have a payment card issued by Citadele and to whom a credit limit has been granted. To replenish the used credit limit, a calculated monthly minimum payment will be automatically withdrawn from a specified account at the beginning of each month.
The regular payment may be executed as an internal payment (between Citadele accounts).

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