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Savings for your future

If all your money circulates in your everyday account, saving is difficult, because everyday spending knows no limits. If you use one of our savings products, you have more opportunities for achieving your goals.

Separate savings

Save in an account which is separate from your everyday spending.

Free choice of payments

Set your own minimum amount and how often you pay in.

Guaranteed repayment

Deposits are protected according to the Deposit Guarantee Law of the Republic of Latvia up to 100 000 EUR.

Green Savings Account

How can you save money while also caring for the environment? Our Green Savings Account satisfies both needs: you will increase your savings while simultaneously helping initiatives which allow us to live more sustainably. Every euro you deposit could support sustainable development projects in the future. Make protecting your financial future green!

  • Set up a regular payment to your Green Savings Account and know that we will automatically transfer your money to your savings account every month.
  • To prevent the urge to spontaneously spend the savings in your Green Savings Account, we will transfer them to your current account without a commission fee if you request them 60 days in advance.
  • The maximum amount from which interest is calculated is 100 000 EUR. The minimum amount from which you can start saving is 0 EUR.
  • The government of the Republic of Latvia guarantees repayment of deposits in banks, including Citadele, up to 100 000 EUR.

* The annual interest rate is paid on the last day of each month. The annual interest rate may vary. More information, see the Green Savings Account terms.

100 EUR
100 000 EUR
1 months
60 months
  • Your savings:
    2 050,94 EUR
  • Deposit interest sum:
    50,82 EUR
  • Deposit interest rate:
    2,00 %
    Grand total: 2 050,94 EUR
    64,52 EUR
    Contribution amount
    Calculations are for your information only. The exact amount depends on the terms of your agreement.
    100 EUR
    500 000 EUR
    1 months
    60 months
    Payment of accrued interest:
    Grand total: 510,00 EUR
    Deposit interest sum: 10,00 EUR
    Deposit interest rate: 2,00 %
    510,00 EUR
    Grand total
    Calculations are for your information only. The exact amount depends on the terms of your agreement.
    The minimum deposit amount is 100 EUR or 200 USD.
    100 EUR
    500 000 EUR
    1 months
    60 months
  • Your savings:
    2 025,32 EUR
  • Deposit interest sum:
    25,20 EUR
  • Deposit interest rate:
    1,00 %
    Grand total: 2 025,32 EUR
    64,52 EUR
    Contribution amount
    Calculations are for your information only. The exact amount depends on the terms of your agreement.
    Better % rate

    Term deposit

    A term deposit is a method of saving which is as exact as a clock: a set rate, set term, chosen currency, and clarity on how much you will receive at the end of the term. No surprises. Just as it should be.

    • You can open a term deposit account for free and without maintenance fees.
    • You can deposit your funds for between 1 month and 5 years at a fixed interest rate earned at the end of the term or monthly.
    • You can choose your deposit currency: Euro or US Dollars.
    • Option to choose automatic deposit extension.
    • Deposits are insured according to the Deposit Guarantee Law of the Republic of Latvia up to 100,000 EUR.

    Savings Account

    Some people believe that savings accounts are boring. Maybe that's true. But is there any short-term savings method offering a passionately exciting method of saving for the future?

    • Our savings account gives you the chance to earn a small amount of interest.
    • A good option is regular deposits, because then your Savings Account savings will be long-term and disciplined. When you set up a regular payment, we automatically transfer your money to your savings account on a specific day each month.
    • The government guarantees repayment of your deposit at Citadele up to 100,000 EUR.

    * The annual interest rate is paid on the last day of each month.
    The annual interest rate may vary. More information can be found in the Savings Account terms (in Lithuanian).

    Didn’t find the answer to your question?

    Visit our interactive assistant and find the information you need

    Interactive assistant
    Can you make a withdrawal from a Saving account?

    You can freely access your savings at any time by transferring them from your Saving Account to your current account without prior notice and without commission, by making a Payment between own accounts or making a New Payment.

    How is the income tax on savings account interest calculated?

    The payment of interest is regulated by the Personal Income Tax Law of the Republic of Lithuania. The amount of interest is not taxable if the amount of interest received during the tax period does not exceed 500 euros. Income tax is calculated from the amount of interest received during the tax period, which exceeds the amount of 500 euros. Among the cases where the income tax is paid for the entire amount of the above-mentioned interest, the State Tax Inspectorate indicates those cases where the interest income was received by those residents whose permanent residence is in the target territory. Taking into account the fact that the payment of interest income is subject to the rules laid down in legal acts, please use the information provided here as an informational notice only. This information cannot be considered as tax advice. In order to assess your tax obligations, you must assess your situation individually, and if necessary, familiarize yourself with the information provided by the State Tax Inspectorate, which can be found at On the above-mentioned website, you can also find contacts with whom you can contact the tax inspectorate for advice on relevant issues.

    What if I need to withdraw from my Green Savings account?

    What if I need to withdraw from my Green Savings account? If you want to withdraw funds from your Green Savings Account without fees, you must notify the bank within 60 days.

    However, if the funds are needed urgently, the bank deducts a fee, which represents 60 days of accrued interest on the amount withdrawn.

    What is the minimum amount I can deposit in a savings account?

    There is no minimum, you can also deposit small amounts of money in the Savings Account and Green savings accounts. A regular payment may help you with the discipline to deposit larger amounts.

    Where will my Green Savings Account investment go?

    With the Green Savings Account, we will support environmentally-friendly initiatives. We will invest your money in sustainable projects, such as energy-efficient real estate projects.

    Energy-efficient real estate:

    • The home has been awarded an A++ energy-efficiency class;
    • The level of primary non-renewable energy used in the building is at least 10% lower than stipulated for the non-renewable energy level of a Nearly Zero Energy Building in accordance with local legislation.

    What is the aim of a savings account?

    A savings account is one of the basic types of financial products, which allows you to deposit money and, usually, earn additional amount of interest, while maintaining the ability to withdraw your money within a relatively short amount of time.

    What to do if I want to make a withdrawal from the Green Savings Account with a 60-day notice and close it?

    You need to create a Payment between your own accounts in the Payments section, specifying the payment conditions with the 60-days' notice. The balance in the account to be closed must be 0

    If the Green Savings Account interest is credited to the savings account, you will need to write a free-form order in the Online Bank under the Correspondence with the Bank section. Request:  

    • to change the Green Savings Account interest payment account to another your accounts at Citadele Bank, indicating the account number,  
    • to close the Green Savings Account after 60 days.

    How can deposit contracts be terminated?

    All deposit agreements can be terminated at a bank branch or by submitting a request at „Citadele“ online bank.

    Kaip atsiimti indėlį, nepasibaigus jo sutarties terminui?

    Kada mokamos palūkanos už indėlį?

    Ar galima papildyti terminuotojo indėlio sąskaitą?

    Kaip pakeisti indėlio automatinio pratęsimo požymį?

    Ką daryti pasibaigus indėlio sutarties terminui?

    Kokių indėlių sutartis galima sudaryti per „Citadele“ interneto banką?

    Kokios palūkanos taikomos automatiškai pratęsiamiems indėliams?

    More questions
    Can you make a withdrawal from a Saving account?

    You can freely access your savings at any time by transferring them from your Saving Account to your current account without prior notice and without commission, by making a Payment between own accounts or making a New Payment.

    How is the income tax on savings account interest calculated?

    The payment of interest is regulated by the Personal Income Tax Law of the Republic of Lithuania. The amount of interest is not taxable if the amount of interest received during the tax period does not exceed 500 euros. Income tax is calculated from the amount of interest received during the tax period, which exceeds the amount of 500 euros. Among the cases where the income tax is paid for the entire amount of the above-mentioned interest, the State Tax Inspectorate indicates those cases where the interest income was received by those residents whose permanent residence is in the target territory. Taking into account the fact that the payment of interest income is subject to the rules laid down in legal acts, please use the information provided here as an informational notice only. This information cannot be considered as tax advice. In order to assess your tax obligations, you must assess your situation individually, and if necessary, familiarize yourself with the information provided by the State Tax Inspectorate, which can be found at On the above-mentioned website, you can also find contacts with whom you can contact the tax inspectorate for advice on relevant issues.

    What if I need to withdraw from my Green Savings account?

    What if I need to withdraw from my Green Savings account? If you want to withdraw funds from your Green Savings Account without fees, you must notify the bank within 60 days.

    However, if the funds are needed urgently, the bank deducts a fee, which represents 60 days of accrued interest on the amount withdrawn.

    What is the minimum amount I can deposit in a savings account?

    There is no minimum, you can also deposit small amounts of money in the Savings Account and Green savings accounts. A regular payment may help you with the discipline to deposit larger amounts.

    Where will my Green Savings Account investment go?

    With the Green Savings Account, we will support environmentally-friendly initiatives. We will invest your money in sustainable projects, such as energy-efficient real estate projects.

    Energy-efficient real estate:

    • The home has been awarded an A++ energy-efficiency class;
    • The level of primary non-renewable energy used in the building is at least 10% lower than stipulated for the non-renewable energy level of a Nearly Zero Energy Building in accordance with local legislation.

    What is the aim of a savings account?

    A savings account is one of the basic types of financial products, which allows you to deposit money and, usually, earn additional amount of interest, while maintaining the ability to withdraw your money within a relatively short amount of time.

    What to do if I want to make a withdrawal from the Green Savings Account with a 60-day notice and close it?

    You need to create a Payment between your own accounts in the Payments section, specifying the payment conditions with the 60-days' notice. The balance in the account to be closed must be 0

    If the Green Savings Account interest is credited to the savings account, you will need to write a free-form order in the Online Bank under the Correspondence with the Bank section. Request:  

    • to change the Green Savings Account interest payment account to another your accounts at Citadele Bank, indicating the account number,  
    • to close the Green Savings Account after 60 days.

    How can deposit contracts be terminated?

    All deposit agreements can be terminated at a bank branch or by submitting a request at „Citadele“ online bank.

    Kaip atsiimti indėlį, nepasibaigus jo sutarties terminui?

    Kada mokamos palūkanos už indėlį?

    Ar galima papildyti terminuotojo indėlio sąskaitą?

    Kaip pakeisti indėlio automatinio pratęsimo požymį?

    Ką daryti pasibaigus indėlio sutarties terminui?

    Kokių indėlių sutartis galima sudaryti per „Citadele“ interneto banką?

    Kokios palūkanos taikomos automatiškai pratęsiamiems indėliams?

    Information for depositors

    Deposits held with Citadele Bank are covered by the Latvian Deposit Insurance Fund in accordance with the Republic of Latvia Deposit Insurance Act. Detailed information on deposit insurance terms and cases where deposits are not covered and where restrictions on the payment of deposit insurance benefits apply, shall be available on the website of the Latvian Bank in information for depositors (in Lithuanian).

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    Financing of up to 100% of the vehicle's value. Apply online and receive an answer within 1 business day.
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    Investment funds

    One of the most popular financial instruments, which offers the chance to maintain and even grow the value of your savings. Service provided by Citadele subsidiary CBL Asset Management.
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